Tag: Strength

  • Strength Endurance for Kettlebell Sport, Part 3

    In this blog, I will share my experience developing strength endurance from my perspective and reflect on how my athletes have responded. I have tried a wide range of methods, often using myself as a bit of an experiment before trying them on people I train.  The most significant take-home message: The most important thing…

  • Strength Endurance for Kettlebell Sport, Part 2

    As mentioned in Part 1, kettlebell sport is associated with strength or power endurance. Part 1 documented some approaches to building strength or power endurance in elite world champions. In part two, I will briefly examine what the science says about developing these qualities and highlight an effective and efficient way to develop this type…

  • Periodization for GS, Part 11 (Traditional Strength Mesocycles for Kettlebell Sport)

    In this post I outline some traditional four week mesocycle programs and offer a GS modified version. Each has their own pros and cons, but they can all be used effectively if implemented at the right time within the context of someone’s individual needs and goals. Often I hear of people getting burned out by…

  • Strength training for GS, Part 6. Getting stronger without getting bigger.

    GS is a strength endurance sport. So increasing strength is an important factor for many people, especially if you wish to move up in kettlebell weight. A potential issue with increasing strength is a gain in muscle mass, general not an issue, however if it pushes you into the next weight category then muscle gains…

  • Strength and conditioning for kickboxing, an interview with Jarrod Boyle

    Hi Jarrod, thanks for doing this interview. Pleasure, James – thanks for having me. What is your current job? I’m a personal trainer and freelance journo / writer. I’m on the editorial staff at International Kickboxer Magazine and Blitz Martial Arts Magazine. I started in Kyokushin full-contact karate and fought in a number of national…

  • Periodization for GS, Part 4 (different types of GS athletes)

    Whenever you do any long term planning, for best results you should perform a needs analysis. Here we have a theoretical model of three athletes, two with similar levels of technique and one with a lower level of technique. Athlete 1 was previously an endurance athlete, whereas athlete 2 had a good strength base before…

  • Strength training, part 5. Isometrics for stiffness and fast recovery

    Isometrics can be a great addition to any program and may be particularly useful for many athletes involved in reactive sports. Kettlebell sport may be considered a reactive sport and as such, isometric training may increase movement efficiency through improved musculotendinous stiffness. The importance of tendons is often talked about in GS circles. However, very…

  • 25 Kettlebell Swing Variations for Strength, Power and Grip

    If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video consisting of 60+ pictures per second should be worth a lot! Anyway, here are videos of kettlebell swing variations under categories/exercises that they might be used for. The categories I have listed are: Power/Jumping, Deadlifting, Core/Grip, Grip, Coordination and Farmers Walks. Power/Jumping (SSC) https://youtube.com/watch?v=q_Hl6mCutgM%3Frel%3D0 https://youtube.com/watch?v=oar9DYfEvcM%3Frel%3D0 https://youtube.com/watch?v=T0PW_KzyZ3Y%3Frel%3D0 https://youtube.com/watch?v=3Ch9xadcXz8%3Frel%3D0 Deadlifting (No…

  • Strength training for GS, Part 4. Cluster sets

    As mentioned in the previous post ‘heavy circuit training (time saving approach)’, there many ways to structure circuit training. Other than heavy circuit training another of my favourites would have to be clusters sets. The idea behind a cluster set is that you break your set down, allowing for short rest periods between one or…

  • Strength training for GS, Part 3. Heavy circuit training (time saving approach)

    There are many ways to structure resistance training for Girevoy (kettlebell) sport or grappling sports. In a previous post, I suggested one heavy set at the end of a GS session if you train 4-5+ times per week. Circuit training, whilst pairing opposite movement patterns is a time effective method which has been proposed to improve strength…