Tag: Periodization

  • Strength Endurance for Kettlebell Sport, Part 3

    In this blog, I will share my experience developing strength endurance from my perspective and reflect on how my athletes have responded. I have tried a wide range of methods, often using myself as a bit of an experiment before trying them on people I train.  The most significant take-home message: The most important thing…

  • Periodization for GS, Part 12 (Work capacity)

    In this blog I will cover a number of areas that make up work capacity and its importance to kettlebell sport. Each of these individual areas are quite large, therefore I’ll only cover them briefly in this blog. Kettlebell sport is renowned for requiring huge volumes of work to be performed. It’s not uncommon to have tonnage…

  • Periodization for GS, Part 11 (Traditional Strength Mesocycles for Kettlebell Sport)

    In this post I outline some traditional four week mesocycle programs and offer a GS modified version. Each has their own pros and cons, but they can all be used effectively if implemented at the right time within the context of someone’s individual needs and goals. Often I hear of people getting burned out by…

  • Periodization for GS, part 10 (Nutrition part 2)

    In my first post about periodization of nutrition I looked at a block/mesocycle or medium length cycle to training with a low carbohydrate approach. I suggest that this would be best used in the GPP phase as ‘Low carb training increases signaling for mitochondrial biogenesis (telling the body to increase the number of mitochondria, which…

  • Periodization for GS, Part 9 (combining long cycle and biathlon)

    Below I’ve briefly outlined a system that will allow you to train long cycle and biathlon at the same time and progress in a stepwise fashion. Phase 0 – General strength/endurance (optional step break from the bells if needed)  General strength – Focus on developing compound movements such as squats, deadlifts, presses, pull up and pre-hab…

  • Periodization for GS, Part 8 (Training Environment)

    In this post I have put down a few ideas I had about how to make the most of different environments, and use them to improve performance and/or health. The body is able to adapt to many different environments, in this post we will have a quick look at some ideas on periodization of hot,…

  • Periodization for GS, Part 7 (Nutrition)

    A very often overlooked part of periodization, is nutrition periodization. In weight making sports such as kettlebell sport or grappling sports it can be make or break! Correct planning of nutrition can help ensure you’re in the desired weight category and may help with training/adaptation. In my experience, getting the nutrition side of things right…

  • Periodization for GS, Part 6 (Tapering and overreaching)

    I was lucky enough to recently be present at a keynote presentation by Inigo Mujika at the ACSA Conference (he has some good videos on this blog). He is someone that has helped me form many of my views on tapering. The last phase before competition is the tapering phase. In this phase you can…

  • Periodization for GS, Part 5 (Going up in weight vs increasing reps)

    In the last post we looked at addressing common individual issues. In this post we will look at working towards different goals. The two goals we will look at include working towards increasing kettlebell weight, and increasing repetition with the same kettlebell weight. Obviously both outcomes need different approaches. If we use the double jerk…

  • Periodization for GS, Part 4 (different types of GS athletes)

    Whenever you do any long term planning, for best results you should perform a needs analysis. Here we have a theoretical model of three athletes, two with similar levels of technique and one with a lower level of technique. Athlete 1 was previously an endurance athlete, whereas athlete 2 had a good strength base before…