Tag: Biathlon
Biathlon 2.0
I’m a big fan of the classic events in kettlebell sport, to me long cycle with two kettlebells exemplifies fantastic work capacity and strength endurance, likewise, biathlon seems to be the pinnacle of kettlebell sport – as It challenges all aspects of your body and physical qualities. However, given that It challenges things like your…
Periodization for GS, Part 9 (combining long cycle and biathlon)
Below I’ve briefly outlined a system that will allow you to train long cycle and biathlon at the same time and progress in a stepwise fashion. Phase 0 – General strength/endurance (optional step break from the bells if needed) General strength – Focus on developing compound movements such as squats, deadlifts, presses, pull up and pre-hab…
Periodization for GS, Part 5 (Going up in weight vs increasing reps)
In the last post we looked at addressing common individual issues. In this post we will look at working towards different goals. The two goals we will look at include working towards increasing kettlebell weight, and increasing repetition with the same kettlebell weight. Obviously both outcomes need different approaches. If we use the double jerk…
Periodization for GS, Part 3 (the phase potentiation between long cycle and biathlon)
There is a transference between different events. Generally, long cycle has a greater focus on conditioning, whilst biathlon has a greater focus on local muscular endurance. Many people include both long cycle and biathlon in their yearly program. When you switch focus, there may be a delayed transformation effect as you may have detrained one…