Author: James Ross

  • Interview with Emily Friedel: coaching, workshops and GS

    Emily has played a big role in the development of GS in Australia. She was the first person to achieve the rank of Master of Sport in biathlon and long cycle and has taught all over the nation. She has been a great help for a number of people in the sport, including myself, and…

  • 25 Kettlebell Swing Variations for Strength, Power and Grip

    If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video consisting of 60+ pictures per second should be worth a lot! Anyway, here are videos of kettlebell swing variations under categories/exercises that they might be used for. The categories I have listed are: Power/Jumping, Deadlifting, Core/Grip, Grip, Coordination and Farmers Walks. Power/Jumping (SSC) Deadlifting (No…

  • Strength training for GS, Part 4. Cluster sets

    As mentioned in the previous post ‘heavy circuit training (time saving approach)’, there many ways to structure circuit training. Other than heavy circuit training another of my favourites would have to be clusters sets. The idea behind a cluster set is that you break your set down, allowing for short rest periods between one or…

  • Strength training for GS, Part 3. Heavy circuit training (time saving approach)

    There are many ways to structure resistance training for Girevoy (kettlebell) sport or grappling sports. In a previous post, I suggested one heavy set at the end of a GS session if you train 4-5+ times per week. Circuit training, whilst pairing opposite movement patterns is a time effective method which has been proposed to improve strength…

  • Strength training for GS, Part 2 (Exercise selection)

    In this post I will give a brief description of the importance of exercise selection for strength training, for kettlebell or Girevoy sport. I like to break down resistance training exercises, and categorise them into four main groups: general, specific, special and the competition exercise. This approach will help you with your programing or periodization.…

  • Strength Training for GS, Part 1.

    Strength training is a somewhat controversial area for kettlebell, or Girevoy sport (GS). I will make a case that in addition to regular kettlebell training, heavy resistance or explosive resistance training is useful for improved endurance. The possible methods to improve strength in GS will be another topic. There are a few different ways to…

  • Kettlebells and the Heart – an interview with Dr. Eddy Crendal

    What are your major interests? -My personal interests revolve around strength training. I am very passionate about the art and science of strength and conditioning, along with nutritional and supplemental strategies for supporting progress. I am hoping to compete in Powerlifting again this year. My professional interests involve research and clinical practice in cardiology. I…

  • 8 reasons you should consider taking up GS or kettlebell sport

    For my first blog post on this site, here are 8 reasons why I think you should consider taking up GS or kettlebell sport. 1. The Art Like weightlifting, there is a huge amount of technique involved in the sport. Similar to martial arts, GS lifters strive to reach new levels of technique and can…